Chapter 01 System control and Interrupt
1.1 Clocking 개요
1.2 32-Bit CPU Timers 0/1/2 개요
1.3 Interrupt 및 PIE(Peripheral Interrupt Expansion) 개요
Chapter 02 GPID (General Purpose Input/Output)
2.1 GPIO 개요
2.2 전력전자에서 GPIO 기능 활용
2.3 GPIO 모듈 구성 단계
2.4 DIgital General-Purpose I/O Control
2.5 Input Qualification
2.6 GPIO and Peripheral Muxing
2.7 Internal Pull-up Configuration
2.8 GPIO 예제
Chapter 17 Flash
17.1 Flash 개요
17.2 전력전자에서 Flash
17.3 Flash 특징
17.4 Flash Bank, OTP, Pump
17.5 Flash Module Controller (FMC)
17.6 Flash와 OTP 동작
17.7 Flash 예제